Greenville's Gathering Place
Our business is serving our community through high quality food while partnering with local non-profits to better serve our community.
The Live Generously Fund exists to enable acts of service, foster generous living, and be a resource for community needs.
Given the busyness of life, feeding people is where we have you covered. Let us worry about preparing the food for your next event.
Non-Profit of the Month
Stop in this month and purchase a
Classic Cinnamon Coffee Cake.
A portion of the proceeds will go to them. There is also a designated tip jar at the register to donate directly to each month's non-profit.
The Refuge is a Christian camp located in Greene County, NC. The mission of The Refuge is to share and model the hope of Jesus Christ.
The Refuge runs 9 weeks of camp during the summer months. Leading up to Christmas we have a drive-thru Christmas light show, and in the fall and spring we hold retreats, field trips, and other special events.